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Jonathan Psychotherapy for You

Vanessa Lacoursiere
Master of Social Work & Addiction Specialist

My name is Vanessa Lacoursiere. I am a Master Social Worker, Addictions Specialist, and Trauma-Informed Therapist. I am a Professional Mental Health Counsellor on the Psychotherapy For You team and look forward to providing you support. I
can provide consultations, treatment plans, and continuum of care referral services for individuals, couples, and families, ages 15-up.
A little about me, I believe, “You cannot know where you are going, unless you know where you’ve been!” Nelly McClung. This quote speaks to my passion and experience for self-exploration to find resolve and the clarity required for next steps. When reflecting on my own personal and professional development process, I’ve been fortunate to overcome many adverse experiences in my life that I believe enables me to help others with an increased capacity to empathize. With the complex challenges simply living our lives can bring, I am passionate about my effort to provide both resolutions and solutions within a single session. Also, both personally and professionally, I value health, safety, and ‘wholistic’ wellness concepts; from a Dr. Gabor Mate’s perspective, we cannot heal anything without connection to loving supports and laughter!
In terms of my professional experience, I have worked and provided support to clients with a spectrum of issues consisting of intra/interpersonal relationships, romantic
relationships, burnout, Domestic Violence, the Criminal/Family Justice System, Addictions (behaviour and chemical), and Indigenous Advocacy challenges. All of my effort is towards working to tailor and collaborate on ‘Evidenced Best Practice’ approaches and treatment plans to focus on your wellness outcome goals. In addition, I have experience working with medical mental health symptomology and severe mental health disorders including: depression, anxiety, panic, and other physiological stress response symptoms that is also experienced from many clinical diagnoses such as BPD, MDD, ADHD, Bipolar, Concurrent (Addictions and mental health diagnosis), Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorders. Moving forward, my professional goal is to support the integration of a neurobiological model’s lens with a keen focus on environmental issues and bird’s eye view effort to reduce cultural oppression concerns.

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